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Tag: genius

Deserving Versus Undeserving Pride

Deserving Versus Undeserving Pride

Pride in all its forms is vanity.
What we’d like to proclaim is that the finest creature to be –
Coincidentally –
Fortuitously –
Is me.
We can’t bring this off.
Not convincingly anyway.
So, we do the next best thing.
Hint that the ideal is to be is a creature like me.
Born and raised in my neighborhood.
Believing what I believe.
Occupying themselves just the way I do.
Et cetera.
Such that a disinterested party might reason:
Born and raised there –
Believing that –
Occupied thus –
Wait a minute –
That’s you, isn’t it?
Obviating the need to declare:
Even if fate hadn’t created me as it did –
Hadn’t placed me in this physiological vessel –
Awarded me this timespace –
I’d have selected it all anyway –
Out of every option on the planet –
Throughout all of history.
Self is what we take pride in most.
The simple realisation that others aren’t us.
This is why we regard them coolly.
They’re a breathing riposte to our supremacy.
An organic argument against our way being the high way.
How to assert our validity?
Take pride in our life choices.
Though it would be truer to say that they choose us than we them.
That none of us do any of the things we do without uninvited inspiration.
Nevertheless, pride vindicates our choices.
Gives us motive to go on.

The Transit of Genius

The Transit of Genius

‘In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.’
Andy Warhol didn’t say.
He said something like it, allegedly.
But no one is sure what he meant by it.
What he might have said – less ambiguously – was:
In the past, everyone was fabulous for fifteen years.